1. Hello Javascripters!!

    hello world!…

    on meta, js

  2. Blog about blog

    My personal brand of ease, blogging without maintenance I've been blogging on and off now for the past 16 years in some form or capacity[1]. It has afforded me personal and professional opportunities and allowed a good platform to just vent or get my voice out there…

    on meta, reflection

  3. How to make a voice controlled drone

    Build a voice controlled rolling-spider with nodejs, socket.io, and annyang.js Drones are becoming more popular these days, and it's getting easier to find one at a reasonable cost. For $99, you can buy a Parrot Rolling Spider at Best Buy or Amazon. And what's…

    on drone, rolling-spider, javascript, tutorial

  4. Random things that could be better

    So I was thinking today…well, I like to think that I think everyday, but in this case…my thinking has had a backlog of sorts. I feel like I need to write this out as a sort of therapy to release my pressure valve. Life is great…

    on random, improvement

  5. Just Flour and Water

    It’s funny how almost a year goes by and no updates…so I thought to put something up here just to go through the motions of actually updating my blog…. Have you ever made homemade glue when you were younger? You know…the flour and…

    on food, recipe, pasta